Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | Bitmoji
Vitor Bigelli

Full Stack Web Developer

About Me

Vitor Bigelli - vitorbigelli - Profile

Hi, My name is Vitor Bigelli. Enthusiast of Artificial Intelligence and passionated about learning and teaching, I believe in technology as the tool to build a better world.

I started my professional development at ETEC de ItanhaƩm, where I obtained a technical degree in Internet Informatics at the age of 17, learning programming logic and the basic concepts behind web applications.

My focus changed when I started a graduation in Materials Engineer at UTFPR, guided for my mathematical passion and ease in the field. Inside the university, I developed two projects directed to teaching basic informatics and programming logic using Java.

By the end of 2017 I started to study programming again, this time focusing on front-end development.

From 2019 to 2021 I worked at Nindoo AI, as Full-Stack Developer and R&D Scientist with focus on delivering technologies to solve real world problems. Today I'm a Software Engineer at Well Well, where we are developing a product to revolutionize the way that people see preventive medicine and their well-being.


DeepWild - Species Classifier

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | DeepWild

Full-Stack Web App Development of the DeepWild, a tool that helps biologists in the conservation and monotoring of wild species. It applies artificial intelligence to detect and classify animals in camera trap videos.

Raras - Rare Diseases Q&A

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | DeepWild

Full-Stack Web Appp Development from the biggest rare diseases graph. it's an open source project created with the purpouse of bringing advances in in artificial ingellience and find answers for rare diseases.

My Reads

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | My Reads

React Static App to manage "read", "currently reading" and "want to read" books. Add books by just passing its Amazon Store URL.

GuessMTG Wordle

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | My Reads

Application inspired in the NY Times Wordle daily challenge build in partnership with GuessMTG.


React Developer Nanodegree

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | DeepWild

Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | DeepWild

Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | MIT edx

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming with Python

Vitor Bigelli | vitorbigelli | MIT edx

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